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Somos un grupo de biólogos y cineastas con más de 15 años de experiencia en la realización de documentales. Ofrecemos nuestro conocimiento y contactos en Colombia y Sudamérica para ayudarte a contar tu historia, estos son los BENEFICIOS de producir con nosotros.
LOCATIONSWe know our territory like the palm of our hand. We look for the best locations for your story. | GUIDESWe have the best local guides and bilingual producers. Those who have practical knowledge of their territory. | CASTINGWe offer all our contacts (scientific and local people) and knowledge to find the right protagonists for your story. |
SECURITYWe understand the reality of the countries, that is why we are working with the communities and looking for stories in the safest places. | SCIENCEWe have the experience of working with local scientists and from around the world. His research can help feed your story. | TAXESYou don't have to worry! our team has tax accountants with experience in productions to offer you the best option in your budget. |
LAWSCalm! We have the equipment and knowledge of the laws and benefits offered by different countries to boost production. | STORIESWe are always looking for new stories and places that we make available from research. | PRE, PRO Y POST-PRODUCTIONWe have professionals in all production processes (videographers, editors, photographers, etc.) |
EQUIPMENT RENTALWe have allies that have the last equipment with special prices according to each production. | SIZERegardless of the size of your production, you can count on us. |
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