Cromatophoro is a NGO that promotes the conservation of the environmental and cultural diversity of South America through audiovisual art and documentaries. Based on a social and artistic commitment, we integrate the audiovisual media with the natural and human sciences to support research and conservation. We offer fixing and production services for international production companies.

Jhonny Vargas
Director, cinematographer, field producer and Marine Biologist. Scientific communicator

Felipe Pinzon
Producer and cinematographer.Project coordinator

Camilo Martinez
Producer, Marine Biologist and scientific communicator.

María F. Gutierrez
Ph. D. Biological Sciences, Master in communication and Scientific communicator

Stephanie Arenas
Audiovisual media producer, post-producer, show designer and VJ.

Fernando Dueñas
Professional in audiovisual media with emphasis on Mayan Cinema and 3D animation.

Federico Pinzón
Industrial designer. Master in Business Administration with a specialty in Project Management.

Gianna Escobar
Production and direction assistant. Drone pilot.